
Scene management

All scene management start off from the Scene class which acts as the root of a hierarchy of scene objects, not all of which are able to be rendered to the camera.

Scene scene = new Scene();

We can attach SceneNode objects to the scene and to other scene nodes in order to fill out the scene hierarchy. Currently there are 3 types of scene nodes. The base SceneNode class is used purely to construct the hierarchy and provides no additional functionality. The MeshRenderer class is used to render a geometric object to the camera. This object can be provided with a UV map which is used to map geometry vertices to texture coordinates as well as a material which defines how the object is coloured. Additionally the Animator class is used with an AnimatedScene to apply actions to nodes between animation frames which is covered the section Animated Scenes.

SceneNode emptyNode = new SceneNode();

MeshRenderer mesh = new MeshRenderer(
    mesh: new Sphere(radius: 1, centre: Vec3.Zero),
    uv: null,
    material: new Wireframe(Color.Red) 


Rendering is performed by any camera object. This framework only implements a simple "perspective" camera using the PerspectiveCamera class. When the camera renders a scene the camera's PixelBuffer property will contain the pixels of the image.

BaseCamera camera = new PerspectiveCamera(Resolutions.Aspect4x3.Display480p);

Since the camera does not actually create an image, you may use whatever framework you wish for saving the images to file or creating video files. For instance, using my Media library, this is one way that an image file could be saved from the results of a camera rendering.

TgaSerializer serializer = new TgaSerializer();
using (var writer = new BinaryWriter("myrender.tga", FileMode.Create))) {
    serializer.Serialize(writer, camera.PixelBuffer.GetSampler());


Rendering will only render Renderable scene nodes to the camera's PixelBuffer. To control how these objects are rendered, materials can be defined. Materials like Wireframe will only render a the edges of a mesh whereas UnlitColour will render all faces but as a solid colour. Materials have 3 customizable methods Vert, Edge, and Fragment similar to how shaders work in other frameworks. The Vert method is called on every vertex being rendered. The Edge method is called for all pixels lying on the edge of a rendered triangle. The Fragment method is called for all pixels on the surface of a triangular face.

public class CustomMaterial : Material {
    public override Color Vert(ShaderVariables variables) {...}
    public override Color Edge(ShaderVariables variables) {...}
    public override Color Fragment(ShaderVariables variables) {...}

Shader variables can be used to help determine what colour should be returned from the material for a given pixel. Some of the properties passed to the material through the ShaderVariables object include:

Property Description
ModelToWorld Matrix from the current object being rendered to world space
WorldToModel Matrix from world space to the current object being rendered
WorldPosition Position of the pixel in world space
WorldNormal Normal vector of the face in world space
WorldCameraPosition Position of the camera in world space
ScreenPixel Position of the pixel on screen being pushed to
UVCoordinates Coordinates for UV mapping the current pixel
LightSources Currently active light sources in the scene to account for when rendering

Animated Scenes

More often then not, one would want to animate a scene and export each frame to file or to an animation. This starts from the AnimatedScene base class which allows for one to enumerate through animations frame by frame. The FixedFpsAnimatedScene uses a pre-asigned FPS property to determine how much time occurs between frames whereas the RealtimeAnimatedScene computes the amount of real time between successive renders.

FixedFpsAnimatedScene animation = new FixedFpsAnimatedScene(camera, scene);

To create animated behaviours the IAnimator interface can be applied to SceneNode classes in order to apply events on each frame. Each IAnimator can choose to implement one of three methods. OnEarlyUpdate, OnUpdate, and OnLateUpdate which are called in sequence each frame. Additionally one can implement the OnStart method which is run when the animation first starts. Create an implementor of the IAnimator interface to define how the animation plays. The example IAnimator below will cause the node to bob vertically up and down over time.

public class BobbingAnimator : SceneNode, IAnimator {
    public double Amplitude = 1;
    public double SpeedFactor = 1;
    private TimeSpan playTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

    public void OnUpdate(TimeSpan dt) {
        playTime += SpeedFactor * dt;

        var old = this.Transform.Position;
        var @new = Transformation.Offset(new Vector3(old.X, old.Y, Amplitude * Math.Sin(playTime.TotalSeconds)));

        this.Transform = @new;
var bobber = new BobbingAnimator();

To export animations, simple iterate over the frames of the animation that you want to keep an export them to file. Similar to how rendering works for a single camera, a third part library like my Media library can be used to export the frames to image files.

TgaSerializer serializer = new TgaSerializer();
var frameId = 0;

// Save 30 frames of the animation to files
foreach (var frame in animation.Take(30)) {
    using (var writer = new BinaryWriter($"render.{frameId++}.tga", FileMode.Create))) {
        serializer.Serialize(writer, frame.GetSampler());