Struct Qkmaxware::Rendering::ShaderVariables

Class List > Qkmaxware > Rendering > ShaderVariables

Variables that can be used by materials to apply shading

Public Attributes

Type Name
IEnumerable< LightSource > LightSources
Currently active light sources to account for when rendering
Transformation ModelToWorld
Matrix from the current object being rendered to world space
Vec3 ScreenPixel
Position of the pixel on screen being pushed to
Vec2 UVCoordinates
Coordinates for UV mapping the current pixel
Vec3 WorldCameraPosition
Position of the camera in world space
Vec3 WorldNormal
Face normal in world space
Vec3 WorldPosition
Position of the pixel in world space
Transformation WorldToModel = => ModelToWorld.Inverse
Matrix from world space to the current object being rendered

Public Attributes Documentation

variable LightSources

IEnumerable<LightSource> Qkmaxware.Rendering.ShaderVariables.LightSources;

variable ModelToWorld

Transformation Qkmaxware.Rendering.ShaderVariables.ModelToWorld;

variable ScreenPixel

Vec3 Qkmaxware.Rendering.ShaderVariables.ScreenPixel;

variable UVCoordinates

Vec2 Qkmaxware.Rendering.ShaderVariables.UVCoordinates;

variable WorldCameraPosition

Vec3 Qkmaxware.Rendering.ShaderVariables.WorldCameraPosition;

variable WorldNormal

Vec3 Qkmaxware.Rendering.ShaderVariables.WorldNormal;

variable WorldPosition

Vec3 Qkmaxware.Rendering.ShaderVariables.WorldPosition;

variable WorldToModel

Transformation Qkmaxware.Rendering.ShaderVariables.WorldToModel;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file Render/src/ShaderVariables.cs