Namespace Qkmaxware::Rendering

Class List > Qkmaxware > Rendering

3D Soft-rendering


Type Name
class AmbientLight
Soft light applied from all angles
class Angle
Angle manipulations
class AnimatedScene
Animate all animated scene nodes across several frames
class AxisHelper
XYZ axis helper
class BaseCamera
Base class for a camera that can render a scene
class DiffuseColour
Diffuse lit solid colour material
class DiffuseTexture
Diffuse lit textured material
class FixedFpsAnimatedScene
Animated scene where the time between frames is fixed
class GradientSkybox
Skybox with a vertical gradient
interface IAnimator
Animated scene node
interface IRenderable
Interface for any renderable 3d objects
interface IUvMap
Mapping of vertices to 2D UV coordinates
class LightSource
Base class for light sources
class Material
Base class for all material rendering
class MeshRenderer
Object that can be rendered by the camera
class PerspectiveCamera
Camera for perspective rendering
class PixelTexture
2D texture defined by pixel colours
class PointLight
Light applied from a point in space
class RealtimeAnimatedScene
Animated scene where the time between frames is determined by the delay between calls to Camera.Render
class Resolutions
Common resolution sizes
class Scene
Scene for object management
class SceneNode
A node which exists within the scene graph
struct ShaderVariables
Variables that can be used by materials to apply shading
class Skybox
Base class for rendering a skybox
class SolidSkybox
Skybox with a solid user defined colour
class Texture2D
Base class for 2D textures
class TexturedMaterial
Base class for a material with a single texture
class TexturedSkybox
Skybox with a wrapped 3d texture
class UV
Mapping of vertices to 2D UV coordinates
class UnlitColour
Solid colour material with no shading
class UnlitTexture
Unlit textured material
class Wireframe
Material for wireframe objects

Public Types

Type Name
enum TextureWrapMode
Texture wrapping mode

Public Types Documentation

enum TextureWrapMode

enum Qkmaxware::Rendering::TextureWrapMode {

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file Render/src/Angle.cs