Class Qkmaxware::Rendering::UnlitColour

Class List > Qkmaxware > Rendering > UnlitColour

Solid colour material with no shading

Inherits the following classes: Qkmaxware::Rendering::Material

Public Attributes

Type Name
Color Colour = = Color.White

Public Attributes inherited from Qkmaxware::Rendering::Material

See Qkmaxware::Rendering::Material

Type Name
bool TwoSided = = false
Two sided materials will not be subject to occlusion culling

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual override Color Edge (ShaderVariables variables)
Shader to apply to each face's edges
virtual override Color Fragment (ShaderVariables variables)
Shader to apply to each face's surface
UnlitColour (Color colour)
New unlit colour material

Public Functions inherited from Qkmaxware::Rendering::Material

See Qkmaxware::Rendering::Material

Type Name
virtual Color Edge (ShaderVariables variables)
Shader to apply to each face's edges
virtual Color Fragment (ShaderVariables variables)
Shader to apply to each face's surface
virtual Color Vert (ShaderVariables variables)
Shader to apply to each vertex

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Colour

Color Qkmaxware.Rendering.UnlitColour.Colour;

Public Functions Documentation

function Edge

inline virtual override Color Qkmaxware::Rendering::UnlitColour::Edge (
    ShaderVariables variables


  • variables shading variables


edge colour

Implements Qkmaxware::Rendering::Material::Edge

function Fragment

inline virtual override Color Qkmaxware::Rendering::UnlitColour::Fragment (
    ShaderVariables variables


  • variables shading variables


color of point on face

Implements Qkmaxware::Rendering::Material::Fragment

function UnlitColour

inline Qkmaxware::Rendering::UnlitColour::UnlitColour (
    Color colour


  • colour material colour

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file Render/src/Material.cs