Class Qkmaxware::Rendering::SolidSkybox

Class List > Qkmaxware > Rendering > SolidSkybox

Skybox with a solid user defined colour

Inherits the following classes: Qkmaxware::Rendering::Skybox

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual override Color GetPixel (BaseCamera camera, int x, int y)
Get the skybox colour for the given camera
SolidSkybox ()
SolidSkybox (Color colour)

Public Functions inherited from Qkmaxware::Rendering::Skybox

See Qkmaxware::Rendering::Skybox

Type Name
virtual Color GetPixel (BaseCamera camera, int x, int y)
Get the skybox colour for the given camera

Public Functions Documentation

function GetPixel

inline virtual override Color Qkmaxware::Rendering::SolidSkybox::GetPixel (
    BaseCamera camera,
    int x,
    int y


  • camera camera
  • x pixel x
  • y pixel y


skybox color for camera pixel

Implements Qkmaxware::Rendering::Skybox::GetPixel

function SolidSkybox [1/2]

inline Qkmaxware::Rendering::SolidSkybox::SolidSkybox () 

function SolidSkybox [2/2]

inline Qkmaxware::Rendering::SolidSkybox::SolidSkybox (
    Color colour

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file Render/src/Skybox.cs