Class Qkmaxware::Rendering::Resolutions::Icon

Class List > Qkmaxware > Rendering > Resolutions > Icon

Resolutions for application icons

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
readonly Size Desktop = = new Size(96, 96)
96x96 Resolution
readonly Size Taskbar = = new Size(32, 32)
32x32 Resolution
readonly Size Web = = new Size(16, 16)
16x16 Resolution

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable Desktop

readonly Size Qkmaxware.Rendering.Resolutions.Icon.Desktop;

variable Taskbar

readonly Size Qkmaxware.Rendering.Resolutions.Icon.Taskbar;

variable Web

readonly Size Qkmaxware.Rendering.Resolutions.Icon.Web;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file Render/src/Resolutions.cs