Class Qkmaxware::Rendering::GradientSkybox

Class List > Qkmaxware > Rendering > GradientSkybox

Skybox with a vertical gradient

Inherits the following classes: Qkmaxware::Rendering::Skybox

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual override Color GetPixel (BaseCamera camera, int x, int y)
Get the skybox colour for the given camera
GradientSkybox (Color first, Color second)
Create a gradient skybox with two colours

Public Functions inherited from Qkmaxware::Rendering::Skybox

See Qkmaxware::Rendering::Skybox

Type Name
virtual Color GetPixel (BaseCamera camera, int x, int y)
Get the skybox colour for the given camera

Public Functions Documentation

function GetPixel

inline virtual override Color Qkmaxware::Rendering::GradientSkybox::GetPixel (
    BaseCamera camera,
    int x,
    int y


  • camera camera
  • x pixel x
  • y pixel y


skybox color for camera pixel

Implements Qkmaxware::Rendering::Skybox::GetPixel

function GradientSkybox

inline Qkmaxware::Rendering::GradientSkybox::GradientSkybox (
    Color first,
    Color second


  • first colour at the bottom
  • second colour at the top

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file Render/src/Skybox.cs